Thursday, December 8, 2011


I know its childish... but I have a pet name for my period. I have called it this name since my freshman year in high school... It was a time when I really was SO shy about this sort of thing-- talking about periods and such... I have named it "FRED"....I know what you are wondering... Why FRED?? The way that I see it is this-- anything that is going to give me this many problems HAS to be a man... and FRED was the name that popped into my head... so FRED it has been for many many moons now... Well I just want to say that it is just so frustrating seeing FRED these days... I feel so defeated I guess is the best way to describe my feelings about FRED.... I feel like I am a failure every month that I see FRED.... And then I get so frustrated with myself because I think that even though I get regular FREDs (regular for me anyway...) I think that I may have waited too long to make up my mind about wanting another baby... I am quickly approaching 40... like literally at lightening speed! And it makes me so sad that I waited this long... FRED is here with me right now and he likes to bring these silly things with him for his sleepovers... things like-- tears for NO REASON whatsoever! and bloating and lucky for me its Christmas time because he comes riding in on the "Bi-Polar Express".... FRED, I have come to realize is an emotional terrorist....  I am not complaining really... because seeing FRED regularly tells me that my body can still get pregnant but its so stinkin' hard to NOT rush God... Thank you for allowing me to vent!

(This rant was brought to you by FRED)


  1. I have the SAME feelings about "FRED". I just got mine today and even though I figured I was not pregnant, it still hurts. I have been TTC for 3 years and every month it is the same feeling of overwhelming dissapointment. I don't understand why other women get pg so easily and I can't. Thanks for letting me vent!

  2. RIGHT?!?!?! And then I sit and wonder "WHY ON EARTH are we rewarding these 16 year olds who get pregnant by giving them a tv show??" I feel your hurt! I have been trying for a little over a year now since my miscarriage and I still get a nasty pang of jealousy when I hear a friend announce they are pregnant! Sending *baby dust* your way! <3
